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Hydroponic Farming: The Modern Method of Growing Plants Without Soil

Hydroponic farming, also known as water culture or soilless culture, is an innovative method used to grow plants. In this method, a water-based and nutrient-rich solution is used instead of soil. In other words, soil does not play any role in this system.

In this method, plant roots are fixed with materials such as peat moss, clay balls, perlite, rock wool. These materials protect the roots and prevent them from being damaged or drying out.

Key Advantages and Features of Hydroponic Farming:

Direct contact of roots with nutrient solution: The roots are placed directly in the nutrient-rich solution without using soil.
High oxygen supply: Sufficient oxygen allows plants to grow faster and healthier.
Faster plant growth: The direct access of roots to nutrients allows plants to grow much faster.
Possibility of planting anytime and anywhere: With this method, different plants can be grown anywhere and throughout the year.
Healthy and organic products: Clean, healthy and organic products are obtained with the hydroponic method.
Conclusion: Hydroponic farming offers farmers and plant breeders higher yields and higher quality products. This method is an ideal solution for modern and sustainable agriculture.